Monday, June 3, 2013

Words No Longer Allowed in My Presence #2: boots on the ground

Admittedly, this is a phrase, not a word. But it's my blog and I make the rules, so phrases are allowed.

I get it - we don't want to send troops to Syria. Just say that. I don't understand why you won't. Is this a euphemism that is supposed to somehow ease the minds of constituents?

Oh, I understand now. You're incapable of thinking independently. So when one person uses a phrase that you think is innovative, you parrot it ad nauseum. Got it. This is why I have such great faith in our politicians and the future of our country.

Suggested alternatives:

  • troops
  • ground troops
  • soldiers
  • soldiers in country
  • military ground invasion

Season 2, Episode 6 of What I Learned on NPR Today: Travel Warning for Those Traveling to Turkey from......Syria?

The Syrian government has issued a traveled warning to its citizens, cautioning them against traveling to Turkey because of the unrest there.

In the words of Marco Wehrman, "Pot calling the kettle black, much?"

Source: PRI's The World with Marco Wehrman, 6/3/2013