Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What You Will Find Here

I felt my Facebook page was getting crowded, so I decided to move my uninvited thoughts to a blog. Things will mostly be numbered contributions to ongoing lists.

Lists to be included:
  • What I Learned on NPR Today
  • Words No Longer Allowed in My Presence
  • Tips for Crazy Cat Lady Living
  • Advice for Being a Good Citizen of Planet Earth (or, How to Be a Better Tree-Hugging Dirt-Worshiping Hippie)
  • Minor Irritations That Make Me Want to Gulp Handfuls of Ativan (I haven't started this one yet, but it sounds like a list that might be useful)
  • Cool Gross Science Stuff
  • People Who Are Way Smarter Than Me
and any others I deem useful. I'll try to label them all so you can find your way around in this sea of great wisdom.

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