Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Words No Longer Allowed in My Presence #1: double-down

When did "double-down" become the favored word of every political and social commentator ever? Can I blame KFC's disgusting heart attack-inducing variation on a sandwich for my misery? STOP USING THIS PHRASE! You don't sound "cool," "young," or like you actually play poker. You don't even sound like you know what the phrase means anymore. Just stop and talk like a grown-up when you opine on grown-up subject matter (even if the actors on the subject are acting like little boys, ahem, *cough-politicians-cough*).

Suggested alternatives:
  • increase one's commitment
  • take on additional risk
  • strengthen or reinforce one's initial dedication to an idea or strategy
  • compound one's short-sighted and/or single-minded mistake
  • commit to a single tactic, strategy, or goal while abandoning other priorities

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