Monday, May 6, 2013

Season 2, Episode 3 of What I Learned on NPR Today: Crazy Anarchist Makes Undetectable Guns Accessible to All

Cody Wilson and his organization, Defense Distributed, have used an $8,000 three-dimensional printer to create a plastic gun which has been successfully fired. He plans to release the blueprints, which would allow anyone to print their own, on the internet this week. The gun, called The Liberator, contains a useless 6 oz piece of metal (easily left out) in order to comply with the Undetectable Firearms Act.

Mr. Wilson is a radical libertarian and anarchist. “This is about enabling individuals to create their own sovereign space…The government will increasingly be on the sidelines, saying ‘hey, wait'. It’s about creating the new order in the crumbling shell of the old order.” His organization has already released 3D blueprints for 30-round magazines to be used with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. They've also released a video of a 3D-printed "lower receiver" for an AR-15 (the lower receiver is the regulated part of the gun - all the other pieces can be easily ordered by mail, avoiding any applicable gun laws) that can fire hundreds of rounds without failing. "I recognize that this tool might be used to harm people. But I don’t think that’s a reason to not put it out there. I think that liberty in the end is a better interest."

Warning: Opinion Explosion follows
Not many people can afford an $8,000 3D printer - at this point, it's easier to go to a gun show, since any criminal or domestic abuser or violent schizophrenic can buy a gun there, no problem (thanks, NRA! Don't worry about the 90% of us who supported extending background checks to gun shows - we never thought you were fighting for anyone except gun manufacturers and extremists anyway). But it's Defense Distributed's goal to make this weapon manufacturable on the $2200 3D printer. So eventually, this will be economically feasible for many people.

My first thought when I heard about this was gangs. Many gangs would have the money from drug sales to buy their own 3D printers. While the weapon created by Defense Distributed is not particularly accurate, that does not seem to have historically been a priority for gangs. The barrel can be swapped out in seconds, so 3D printing a few hundred may be an economically advantageous option for gangs.

When anarchy reigns, I hope Mr. Wilson is alive to see all of the death, destruction, starvation, violence, and pain that he helped bring about. I hope he is alive to see his friends and family suffer because he had a crush on a few dead philosophers who thought destroying society would provide the most benefit to humankind. Let me remind you, Mr. Wilson, of a few of the things that we will no longer have when "the crumbling shell of the old order" caves under pressure from people like you:
- the law school you attend
- the library where you found the works of Camus, Foucault, and Milton
- the border patrols that keep Mexican drug gangs from taking over your home in Austin
- the laws and police force that keep your 3D printer from being stolen
- the standards for medical schools and doctors that prevent you from being treated by someone who doesn't know what they're doing when you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot with your 3D-printed gun
- the roads you drive on to get to your mom's house, your law classes, your "workshop", and the test grounds where you fired your weapon
- the courts in which you will practice when you graduate

This is just a handful of the many, many things you will lose should your goals be achieved. Along with the lives of thousands of people. I hope that when you're sixty, or forty, or twenty-eight, you're proud of what you've achieved at the ripe old age of 25.

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