Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Season 2, Episode 4 of What I Learned on NPR Today: Anti-Rape Bra

Three Indian engineering students have created an "Anti-Rape Bra." When pressure on the bra exceeds a set threshold, the bra delivers a strong electric shock (3,800 kw) - not enough to kill a person, but enough to cause serious burns and intense pain. The bra also contains GPS and GSM - when triggered, it will send a text message to the girl's parents and the police, and the GPS will give them the woman's location. The wearer can control whether those features are turned on or off to prevent unintended injury in crowded areas (awkward....).

The three students - Manisha Mohan, Niladhri Basu Bal, and Rimpi Tripathi - received the 2013 Gandhian Young Technological Award for their invention. While they have been approached by investors interested in buying the Anti-Rape Bra, they have so far refused to sell. They want the device to be accessible to the masses, not just rich women.

Source: Interview with Manisha Mohan, Outlook, BBC World Service, 5/7/2013 (episode named for primary story, "Ahmed Errachidi: My Five Years at Guantanamo") (relevant interview begins at 17:17)

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